cnooc held a series of activities on the company's day | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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cnooc held a series of activities on the company's day

time: 2020-06-08 19:03:47  source: china overseas holdings limited

work hard and lead the tide. on the occasion of the company's birthday, cnooc group and listed companies held a series of activities such as staff friendship, customer care, gratitude and feedback, and social responsibility to celebrate the company's birthday

group headquarters
the staff of cnooc group headquarters went to the peak of taiping mountain in hong kong to relax, commemorate the birthday of the company and walk in the future together

we are free to form a team, in twos and threes, to stride along the circular walk with great interest, to feel the scenery of nature. this event is not only to encourage everyone to keep fit and work hard during the epidemic period, but also to show that china shipping and hong kong are on the same road to tide over the difficulties and create a better and happy future together


china's overseas development


on the annual cnooc company's day, cnooc real estate and jingdong mall cooperate across the border, bringing eight benefits, millions of subsidies and tens of millions of gifts, giving back to the owners and customers who support cnooc, so that the whole people can buy a good house



with the arrival of siqing day, cnooc real estate has carried out special training and knowledge competition activities on leading tide culture and new ci manual all over the country, and promoted the image posters of leading tide culture in the offices of various companies, so as to internalize and externalize cnooc culture



chongqing zhonghai held the june 1 family day activity with the theme of "haihao, you and chongqing children's trip". through close contact with small animals, game breakthrough and so on, it can bring you happy experience and celebrate the company's birthday together in a relaxed and loving atmosphere



all the friends of shanghai zhonghai wrote down their birthday wishes, recorded and shared their stories


the ceremony of zhonghai hongyang racing for 6.6km is a real-time clock out ceremony with unlimited time and venue, leaving a common memory of the chinese people



business management organizations all over the world organized a number of employee activities with the theme of "childlike innocence and original heart" in combination with the june 1 node, and beijing business management co., ltd. held a tea talk meeting for employees with the theme of "all land has you" on the sixth anniversary of its founding, to convey the leading force





cscec international fraternity and cscec hong kong fraternity jointly held a limited edition tea delivery activity in the headquarters office building. among them, the special cookie surface is sprayed with edible pigment to mark the celebration day of cnooc, and the label on the back is printed with the slogan of "striving to lead the tide"



the "fluorescent plan" public welfare poverty alleviation and aid program launched by henan company was held in zhanggou primary school of ruyang county. the "fluorescent plan" sent love to the students and lit up their "micro wishes" with practical actions



cscec macau co., ltd. organized a orienteering activity around the mountain in songshan park, macao. during the activity, there was a sudden rainstorm. everyone was fearless, completed the assigned task in the rain and successfully arrived at the lighthouse square



in combination with the key nodes of recent projects, zhejiang, shandong and other companies send their best wishes to cnooc siqing by posting slogans and banners with the theme of siqing



cnooc property


cnooc real estate organized a series of theme activities such as employee activities, trade union activities, corporate culture, employee care, front-line customer-to-customer and online promotion, covering more than 30000 employees and more than 5 million owners to celebrate cnooc's birthday


take the lead in youth and move the tide of china seas. the 6.6km happy running makes this anniversary full of significance

happiness is always with us. activities such as making zongzi, making dumplings, food competition and cooking competition bring encouragement and comfort to employees working in the front line, drive away fatigue and bring warmth

thank you for your time. with a group photo, a painting and an activity, we wish the 41st anniversary of china shipping


cnooc siqing, thanks for your feedback. 6.6 the online and offline welfare purchase line is launched simultaneously, bringing many benefits and good things to employees and customers


every blessing is full of deep feeling
every smiling face conveys strength
we get together because of the same identity
we are going in the same direction
work hard and lead the tide

