china state construction macau, a subsidiary of china shipping group, helps guizhou congjiang alleviate poverty | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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china state construction macau, a subsidiary of china shipping group, helps guizhou congjiang alleviate poverty

time: 2018-05-25 17:00:58  source: china overseas holdings limited

on may 23, 2018, in the macao special administrative region chief executive cui sai’an, macao central liaison office director zheng xiaosong, guizhou province governor chen yiqin, state council’s poverty alleviation office hong tianyun, under the joint witness of yao jian, deputy director of the liaison office in macau and other relevant leaders, china state construction engineering (macau) co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “china state construction macau”), a subsidiary of china overseas group (hereinafter referred to as “china overseas group” or “group”), and the congjiang county government of guizhou province signed the "intention agreement for the construction of the comprehensive teaching building of china overseas mei'e hope primary school in guandong town, congjiang county" and pledged to assist 5 million yuan in the construction of the comprehensive teaching building of hope primary school.

the aid project is one of the nine specific poverty alleviation cooperation projects under the guidance of the guizhou provincial people’s government, the macao special administrative region government and the macao central liaison office for poverty alleviation cooperation framework agreement. the macao special administrative region government is the only targeted poverty alleviation project that directly participates in the name of an enterprise in its poverty alleviation cooperation in guizhou.

for a long time, china shipping group has actively undertaken corporate social responsibility. in supporting national education, it has continuously called on its subsidiaries to jointly participate in and promote donation to school. up to now, it has been in the whole country. 12 china overseas hope primary schools were donated by various localities (11 have been put into operation, 1 is under construction). the group's subsidiary china state construction macau is rooted in macau and serves the society, and has made important contributions to promoting the economic and social development of macau and maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of macau. participating in poverty alleviation in congjiang county of guizhou this time is another important measure for china state construction macau to respond to china overseas group’s policy of donating and subsidizing education, to learn and practice the "china construction model" of poverty alleviation work, to give full play to the advantages of construction enterprises, and to courageously assume the social responsibility of central enterprises. this assistance project is also the 13th hope primary school donated by china shipping group in the mainland. it aims to improve the education and teaching facilities in congjiang county, combine "helping aspirations" with "helping wisdom", and help cultivate local talents and stimulate endogenous students from poverty. drive to achieve the development goal of stabilizing poverty alleviation.

congjiang county in guizhou province is a key county for poverty alleviation and development in the country, and is one of the 14 deeply impoverished counties in guizhou province. as of the end of 2017, there were 72,300 poor people in the county, and the poverty incidence rate was 21.9%, the highest in the province. the poverty area is large and the poverty level is deep.

the proposed china overseas mei'e hope primary school is located near the resettlement site for poverty alleviation and resettlement in mei'e, gantuan village, guandong town, congjiang county. it is the overall relocation and expansion of the current qiantuan primary school. the project is also a key project for the local government to solve the problem of relocating children in nearby schools and realizing the poverty alleviation plan. the school has a total land area of ​​33,300 square meters and a total construction area of ​​approximately 9,000 square meters, of which the comprehensive teaching building has a construction area of ​​3,364 square meters. in the future, it can accommodate 1,080 surrounding school-age children to study nearby.
