zhao zhao, group leader of cscec, visited cnooc's macao and zhuhai subsidiaries for investigation | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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zhao zhao, group leader of cscec, visited cnooc's macao and zhuhai subsidiaries for investigation

time: 2019-12-06 18:20:08  source: china overseas holdings limited

from december 3 to 4, 2019, zhao zhao, leader of the discipline inspection and supervision group of cscec, went to the subsidiaries of cnooc in macao and zhuhai to investigate and guide their work, including the production and operation, compliance management and integrity risk prevention and control of each enterprise.

during his stay in macao, group leader zhao and his party inspected the mgm hotel project, lisboan hotel project and cnooc property project in macao. he had a detailed understanding of the scale influence, construction technology and construction process of mgm, and fully affirmed the construction level of the luxury hotel in macao. team leader zhao also listened to the special work report of cscec macao company, and exchanged with the responsible persons of each subsidiary around the positioning and development mode of the enterprise, the integrity risk in the bidding field of the construction industry, the main problems faced by the enterprise development and the prevention and control measures. group leader zhao praised cscec macau for "having the momentum, daring to innovate and challenge", the team of the company "being able to pull, be able to rush and win", and the compliance management of the enterprise "declining and having bright spots" abroad.

during his stay in zhuhai, group leader zhao and his party inspected the fuhuali project of cnooc real estate zhuhai co., ltd., got a detailed understanding of the project planning and design, construction and development, residential sales and commercial operation, and listened to the report on the development history and business operation of zhuhai company. team leader zhao recognized the product concept and refined management level of the project. he hoped that zhuhai company would seize the historical opportunity of the construction of guangdong, hong kong and macao bay area, give full play to the comprehensive strength of urban development and operation ability, actively integrate into the construction of guangdong, hong kong and macao bay area, and contribute to the construction of world-class bay area and world-class urban agglomeration.

zhao stressed that it is necessary to further strengthen the compliance management of overseas enterprises, strengthen the awareness of clean risk prevention and control, and establish a sound and scientific system and mechanism in combination with the actual situation; we should make scientific and technological innovation and progress, lay out ahead of time, increase investment, and take the lead in the field of assembly application; we should conscientiously sum up the past successful experience, do a good job in the work of "speaking of business in business, speaking of politics in business", and strive to achieve greater results around the development strategy of the state and the special economic zone, so as to make every work to a higher level.

during his stay in macao, group leader zhao also called on fu ziying, director of the macao joint office of the cpc central committee, to thank the macao joint office of the cpc central committee for its long-term concern and support for the subsidiary enterprises of china construction group in australia, and introduced the development of cscec and its subsidiary enterprises in australia. director fu expressed his sincere welcome to group leader zhao and his party, recognized the development scale, business performance and social contribution of cscec's enterprises in macao, and fully affirmed cscec's contribution to the preparation of the 20th anniversary celebration of macao's return to china. it is hoped that the group's enterprises in australia will not forget their original intention, bear in mind their mission, and make new and greater contributions to the successful practice of "one country, two systems" in australia.

relevant leaders of cscec and cnooc took part in the survey.
