china shipping group held a meeting for veteran cadres | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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china shipping group held a meeting for veteran cadres

time: 2018-05-03 15:54:05  source: china overseas holdings limited

on april 28, the meeting of senior cadres of china shipping group was held in shenzhen china shipping building. the new leadership of china shipping group-chairman zhou yong, vice chairman and general manager yan jianguo, executive director and chief financial officer chen xiaofeng, assistant general manager liu weimin, and assistant general manager ma fujun attended the meeting. the meeting was hosted by mr. yan.

on behalf of the group's leadership, zhou dong extended deep blessings and cordial condolences to the veteran cadres, and informed the group's overall operation last year and the group's future work ideas. zhou dong pointed out that china shipping group has maintained a good development trend in recent years, and last year's various operating indicators once again set a record high. the group is determined to advance the strategic deployment of "second entrepreneurship", never forget its original aspiration, keep its mission in mind, continue to carry forward china shipping's fine style and traditions, inherit and carry forward china shipping's business in the new era, and strive to build an investment and construction group with excellent competitiveness.

jay chou emphasized that drinking water thinks of its source, and sailing thinks of progress. in the 39 years since its establishment, china shipping group has achieved today's achievements and status from scratch in the field of perfect competition. it is the result of generations of china shipping people who are determined to forge ahead, strive for self-improvement, continue to work hard, and work hard. it is also inseparable from the solid foundation and contributions laid by all veteran cadres here. experience wisdom. the group will set up a special organization to continue to strengthen the contact and service with the veteran cadres, so as to gather more wisdom and strength for the company's development.

mr. yan said that he was very excited to see the veteran cadres "go home" and he hoped that the veteran cadres would continue to care about the development of china shipping and support the development of china shipping. the group will carefully listen to the valuable opinions and suggestions put forward by the veteran cadres, and continue to rapidly promote the business of china shipping to a new level.

the group’s old leaders li fuyou and chen xianzhao spoke on behalf of the veteran cadres. they spoke highly of and affirmed the company’s achievements, congratulated the group’s new leadership team and expressed ardent expectations, and expressed gratitude for the company’s care and care for the veteran cadres.

luo liang, executive director, executive vice president, chief operating officer and chief architect of china overseas development, and zhou hancheng, executive director and chief financial officer of china state construction international attended the meeting.


