china state construction international announces operation status in march 2018 | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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china state construction international announces operation status in march 2018

time: 2018-04-10 17:16:47  source: china overseas holdings limited

(april 10, 2018) from january to march 2018, china state construction international group co., ltd. ("china state construction international", hereinafter referred to as the "group", code: 03311) the cumulative new contract value is approximately hk$32.95 billion, a year-on-year increase of 25.6%, which is equivalent to 28.7% of the completion of the 2018 full-year target (the full-year new contract value target is no less than hk$115 billion). as of the end of march 2018, the total contract value of the group in hand was approximately hk$335.48 billion, of which the outstanding contract value was approximately hk$206.69 billion.

the main new contracts in march 2018 include:

ppp project of poverty alleviation industrial park in shiyan city, hubei province (the contract value attributable to the group is approximately hk$3.49 billion. the project includes a total construction area of ​​381,000 square meters of the industrial park, first-class highways 21.7 kilometers, the construction period is about 24 months.);

ji'an city, jiangxi province infrastructure ppp project (the contract value attributable to the group is approximately hk$1.18 billion. the project includes 200.2 hectares of eco-tourism area, 36.8 hectares of green landscape, 4.3 kilometers municipal roads, the construction period is about 24 months.);

the headquarters building and blue-collar apartment epc project in nanjing high-tech industrial park, jiangsu province (the contract value attributable to the group is approximately hk$1.64 billion. the project includes a total construction area of ​​200,000 square meters. the construction period of the meter house is about 24 months.);

macau theme park resort hotel complex development project (the group’s attributable contract value is approximately hk$3.36 billion. the project includes a hotel and a casino, etc., during the construction period approximately 21 months.).

# the monthly update information is compiled based on the group’s internal management records, and the relevant records have not been reviewed or reviewed by an external auditor, so the data is for reference only.
