love is boundless, ride out the difficulties together | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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love is boundless, ride out the difficulties together

time: 2020-02-05 23:46:00  source: china overseas holdings limited

the epidemic situation of new-type coronavirus pneumonia affects people's hearts. at present, the situation of prevention and control work is grim, and there is a shortage of epidemic prevention materials in varying degrees across the country. in accordance with the prevention and control requirements of "comprehensive mobilization, comprehensive deployment and comprehensive strengthening of work", cnooc group took timely actions, mobilized various channels, actively purchased and deployed epidemic prevention materials such as masks, supported vulnerable groups such as the elderly, and front-line personnel at high-risk posts such as entry-exit frontier inspection ports, so as to convey love and firm confidence, we will continue to contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic.

comprehensive mobilization and love help

recently, china overseas love foundation has allocated 500000 yuan to the group to make joint efforts in global procurement in canada, portugal and south korea. at present, nearly 10000 masks delivered in advance have been donated in batches to the elderly in hong kong's wong tai sin heng tau hom estate, the elderly living in zhonghai jinnian tianjin, qingdao and jinan pension projects, and the elderly living in shenzhen bay huanggang frontier inspection port front-line staff, protective clothing, goggles and other epidemic prevention materials are stepping up the procurement and transportation.

on february 5, 4000 masks were distributed to hong kong's heng tau kan estate to help 1000 elderly people fight the epidemic“ thank you for the generous and enthusiastic help of china overseas love foundation in donating masks to the elderly in wong tai sin district to protect the health of the community and the elderly. " the elderly comprehensive service center of the hong kong sheng kung hui, which received the masks, expressed its gratitude to cnooc.

an elder said: "china shipping is really a timely help! now we can't buy masks everywhere. it's very inconvenient to go out without masks. we are old, weak, sick and disabled. we don't know where to look. you young people can find masks. fortunately, you can help us in time! "

on february 3, tianjin zhonghai jinnian project, zhonghai representatives distributed masks to the elderly“ thanks to cnooc, the mask has been accepted, china refueling, we ok the elders were moved by their words. mr. chen made an ok gesture to express his affirmation and thanks to cnooc.
"i believe our country can overcome the epidemic!" holding the hand of the representative of china shipping, mr. li said in a sonorous voice

on february 4, 4000 masks were sent to shenzhen bay and huanggang port. representatives from the frontier inspection station expressed their gratitude to cnooc for its support and help.

central enterprises shoulder the responsibility and work together in the same boat

cnooc huanyu business actively practices its social responsibility and shows the responsibility of central enterprises. in order to reduce the operating losses of the majority of partners of huanyu business, it will halve the rents of its national shopping mall projects (huanyu city, huanyuhui, huanyufang and fuhuali) from january 24 to february 23, 2020, so as to overcome the difficulties together with the merchants.

wuhan company of cnooc real estate launched a call to donate money for the fight against the epidemic situation of hubei charity association. the enterprises settled in cnooc building responded positively and made a modest contribution to the prevention and control of the epidemic situation in wuhan. at present, they have received more than 53000 yuan of donations. in addition, wuhan zhonghai macao jiayuan project department donated nearly 20000 yuan of protective materials such as masks and thermometers to its streets, and received thank-you letters from the streets.

in the face of severe epidemic situation and shortage of domestic materials, hong kong and macao are also affected. some pharmacies in hong kong fried the original price of 3m-8210 masks from hk $84 to hk $1800. in addition to providing free masks to employees, csci also helped employees' families order and purchase nearly 20000 low-cost masks. through internal coordination, while providing basic epidemic prevention materials for colleagues returning to work during the special working period, we should contact with various external parties, actively carry out overseas procurement, expand material purchasing channels, prepare enough epidemic prevention materials, and fight a good epidemic prevention battle without affecting the supply of internal landlord battlefield materials.

no winter is insurmountable

no spring will never come

the disease is merciless

let's face it hand in hand
