novel coronavirus pneumonia group won the title of "advanced collective of the central enterprises against the new crown pneumonia epidemic" | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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novel coronavirus pneumonia group won the title of "advanced collective of the central enterprises against the new crown pneumonia epidemic"

time: 2020-10-27 11:19:49  source: china overseas holdings limited

in october 22nd, novel coronavirus pneumonia commendation conference and advanced deeds report was held in beijing. at the meeting, 300 advanced individuals and 100 advanced collectives from the state-owned central enterprise system were commended. state councilor wang yong attended the meeting and presented awards to the commended representatives of advanced individuals and collectives.

novel coronavirus pneumonia was awarded the "advanced collective of the new central pneumonia epidemic" by the central enterprises. this is a high recognition of cnooc group's contribution to the construction of epidemic prevention and emergency projects in hong kong and macao this year, its operating enterprises' rent reduction and rent free support for economic recovery, its property companies' construction of health protection barriers for more than 1 million families and nearly 5 million customers in cnooc, caring for employees, returning to work and production, and achieving "double victory" in epidemic prevention and control and production and operation.
cnooc group will transform the great anti epidemic spirit into a powerful driving force to promote enterprise reform and innovation, overcome difficulties, advance wholeheartedly, lead the tide, promote normalized epidemic prevention and control and production and operation, actively fulfill corporate social responsibility, accelerate the high-quality development of enterprises, and continue to strive for the strategic goal of "striving for world-class"!
